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sediment movement中文是什么意思

用"sediment movement"造句"sediment movement"怎么读"sediment movement" in a sentence


  • 泥沙运动


  • When flow velocity decreases below the corresponding incipient motion condition, no sediment movement occurs .
  • Despite this attention; only modest progress has been made in the basic understanding of the bed phenomena and their relation to sediment movement .
  • Analysis on flow and sediment movement in approach channels of tidal river branches
  • Influence of the tunnel cros sing the yellow river in south water to north project on flow and sediment movement
  • Cultivation of slope farmland influences surface runoff and sediment movement on slopes
  • According to adcp data and suspended sediment concentration , suspended sediment movement in the yangtze river estuary is studied
  • Considering the effects of both tides and waves , a2 - d numerical model was used to simulate the sediment movement in lianyungang harbor , and a large scaled average sediment concentration field of hai - zhou bay was computed
  • Finally , the equations of the velocity when the particles start to move , suspend and stop were gotten from the rule of silt sediment movement . the velocity with no depositting was gotten from a equation of silt sediment movement in drainage
  • Based on the prototype observation and model test made for the periodic - flushing de - silting basin , the process and the division of the three - stage hydraulic flushing are put forward on the basis of the feature of water - sediment movement , and then the calculation formulas and the related parameters for the stages of emptying flushing ; retrogressive flushing and the flushing along the basin are given as well
  • According to the theories of the energy dissipation of wave - water and sediment movement and based on the bottom sediment load formula developed by dou guoren , a formula to calculate the transport of the bottom sediment , which includes the bed load and part of suspended load , under the joint action of waves , tidal currents and wind - currents is derived
用"sediment movement"造句  


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